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What is Bid Management

What is Bid Management? The term Bid-Management generally stands for tools that support ad management in the field of search engine marketing. AdWords campaigns can be automatically optimized with the Bid Management tool. The bid is adapted for keywords, ad groups, and campaigns to achieve the maximum profit. For instance, the system analyses which keywords [...]



Anyone wishing to place advertising campaigns on Amazon via Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) can choose between headline search ads, sponsored product ads and product display ads. In the case of the first two advertising forms, the frequency of show depends on a keyword-based click bid. Relevant keywords are assigned to the campaigns and can be [...]



What is WooCommerce? WooCommerce is one of the leading free open source shop systems based on WordPess, with more than 3 million active installations. WordPress is one of the world's most widely used content management systems, whose functions can be extended with plug-ins such as WooCommerce. Most online shop owners use plugins like WooCommerce to [...]

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