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Geo IP

What is a Geo IP? Each device within a data network has an IP address. The IP address can be used to uniquely identify the device. When a web page is accessed from a computer, the IP address of the device is also transmitted to the web server. This is the only way the web [...]



What Is Geo-Targeting? Geotargeting is a not so new hobbyhorse of the ever-increasing flood of data in the global network. More and more companies are taking advantage of this and using the novel benefits for creative purposes - all in the interests of the customer, of course. Due to the ever-increasing use and distribution of [...]



What is Giropay? Giropay is a payment method that can be used to make purchases in online shops. Giropay can also be used to pay invoices online. You can also identify yourself online using the Giropay ID. There are different advantages for customers and merchants with this payment method. Customers do not have to leave [...]



What does GTIN stand for? GTIN is the abbreviation for Global Trade Item Number. It is an identification number for the worldwide identification of products and services. This number allows products to be uniquely identified. The GTIN is used for worldwide, unambiguous assignment. The GTIN is awarded by GS1 (Global Standards One). This organization assigns [...]

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