Conversion Optimization

Customer satisfaction is an important factor for Amazon’s success. This includes customer support, the wide range of products and the targeted search on the website. Amazon tries to give customers the most relevant results for their search query. An important indicator of relevance is the conversion rate.

The conversion rate is calculated as follows:

(units sold / number of individual visitors) * 100 = Conversion rate in %

Amazon Brand Guide

A higher conversion rate means more sales, and accordingly a higher commission for Amazon. Amazon assumes that products with a higher conversion rate are more relevant to the search query and plays these products out more prominently in the search results.

Optimize your own conversion rate

The trader can increase conversion through targeted optimization of individual factors and thus point out to Amazon a higher relevance for search queries. Here we can help you as an Amazon agency.

Product quality

For long-term success on Amazon it is important to offer high quality products. This is reflected in sales, ratings and return rates. In the long run, inferior products receive poor product ratings, which prevent other customers from buying them. High quality standards help to generate positive product reviews. Authentic product reviews are important for other marketplace visitors.


Pricing can be a decisive factor in the purchase of a product. Depending on the price segment and the competition, an attractive price can contribute to more customers buying their own product. The more individual a product is, the less decisive the price can be. When selling merchandise, with many identical offers, the price often decides.

Product images

High-quality images contribute greatly to conversion optimization. The pictures are the only optical attraction that the customer has. It is easier for the buyer to get an impression of a product if the item is shown from several perspectives and in use.

Bullet points

In the case of bullet points, it is important that the customer gets all important facts clearly structured at a glance. For a baking tin, for example, the exact product dimensions, the capacity & the coating should be mentioned. The use of short sentences instead of unkind key points enhances the overall impression.

Product description

A clearly structured product description, with paragraphs and a detailed summary of the product features, makes it easier for the customer to see all information at a glance and facilitates the decision.


When writing texts, the focus should always be on the customer. Which customer approach works better in this product segment? In the case of technical products, the focus should be on sober facts. For decorative items, a softer, flowery customer appeal is better suited to generate identification with the product.

In addition, what information could be important to the customer? What does the customer pay attention to? Does my article have any specifics that are essential for decision-making?

With a light bulb, it should be obvious at first glance which socket and how many watts it has. It is also important to specify the energy efficiency class.