What is an ASIN?
Every product that is offered at Amazon has a unique ASIN. The ASIN of a product can be found on the respective product detail page under “product information “. In addition to the ASIN, other specifications and characteristics of the product such as “size and/or weight”, “product weight incl. packaging”, model number, “in stock since”, Amazon bestseller rank (BSR) etc. are also displayed.
The ASIN of a product can also be found in the URL:
Amazon describes an ASIN as follows:
Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASIN) are unique combinations of 10 letters and/or numbers used to identify items. The ASIN can be found at Amazon.co.uk on the product detail page. For books, the ASIN corresponds to the ISBN number. For all other products, however, a new ASIN is created when the item is added to our catalogue. The ASIN of the article can be found on the product detail page next to additional details on the respective article. Here you can find for example the size, page number (for books) or the number of CDs (for CDs).
ASIN can be used to search for items in our catalogue. If you know the ASIN or ISBN of the item you are looking for, simply enter it in the search field (usually in the upper part of the window) and click “Go”. If the item is listed in our catalogue, it will appear in the search result.
For example, the ASIN for Hasbro’s Monopoly game is B00005N5PF.
Source: https://www.amazon.de/gp/seller/asin-upc-isbn-info.html
ASIN Optimization – What can be optimized?
These three elements are the essential points which a potential buyer sees and which need to be optimized.
- Product title
- Bullet points
- Product description
Both relevance and performance play an essential role in Amazon optimization. Relevance describes how well relevant Amazon keywords and search phrases are placed in the product detail page. The performance shows how successfully a product is sold on the marketplace and how the seller himself performs. It is especially in the interest of Amazon to place the most products as high up as possible, since they earn with every sale.
Through an Amazon optimization, more traffic can be generated on the optimized product. But it is just as important to convert the traffic into purchases (converting means selling at Amazon). Sales depend especially on three factors: sales price, Amazon review and product images. A decisive success factor to get a better ranking are the reviews or customer reviews. Customer reviews are particularly important for end customers, because the more satisfied customers are with a product, the more likely it is that they purchase it.