What is Amazon trademark registration?
The primary purpose of Amazon trademark registration is to protect your own brand on the marketplace. In addition, a trust-based shopping experience should be offered to the customer.
By registering, Amazon provides access to advanced tools such as searching for copyrighted text and pictures, predictive automation based on your reports of suspected violations of intellectual property rights, and extended authority over product offerings under your brand name. The collaboration between the brand and Amazon is designed to prevent potential infringements of intellectual property rights. Amazon is particularly interested in promoting an appropriate representation of the registered trademark.
Who can register a trademark?
In order to register successfully, you must already own a registered trademark in the form of a word brand. In addition, the trademark must correspond to the name printed on the product and/or packaging. Outside these national trademark offices, the respective marketplace must be accessed. (e.g. USA = Amazon.com)
Please consider that currently only fully registered word brands issued by national trademark offices in France, Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Italy and the Office of the European Union for Intellectual Property are accepted.
Further questions like:
- Which trademarks can be registered with the Amazon trademark registry?
- What information is required to register a trademark in Amazon’s trademark registration?
- I am an Amazon seller who registered a trademark in Amazon’s trademark registry before April 30th, 2017. Do I have to register it again?
- If I do not have European Article Numbers (EAN) or GTIN for my products, do I have to register with Amazon?
- Is it possible to give authorized people access to the Amazon trademark registration?
- Can I report intellectual property infringement if I do not have an Amazon trademark registration account?
- and the first steps to the registration, are answered in the Amazon brand registry.