Why are bullet points important on Amazon?
The bullet points are, on the one hand, key points that, in addition to the title and descriptive images, are intended to simplify the customer’s purchase decision. Compared to the normal shop, it is not possible for the customer to pick up a product on Amazon; it is therefore important to make the product “appealing” in pictures and words. Nevertheless, the information should remain short and concise.
In addition, the seller has the chance to place important keywords for the Amazon ranking. Since, in comparison to the classic Google SEO at Amazon, the “keyword density” is not decisive for pushing a product, you should place words in the bullet points that customers also use when searching for the product. There are a variety of keyword tools for this, and it is also worth using the autosuggest function at Amazon or using synonyms. With a professional Amazon optimization, you should create a priority list. The most important words should be placed in the title and then in the bullet points.
How should bullet points be structured at Amazon?
Each seller and merchant usually has a maximum of five bullet points at his disposal. Bullet Points may only contain letters and numbers. HTML codes and special characters are not allowed. In the desktop version, this looks like the following example.
It should be noted, however, that the presentation for mobile devices is structured differently. Here the customer sees only the first three bullet points when he clicks on a product. That’s why the most important features and highlights should also be included here.
Worauf sollte man achten, um den Platz für die Bullet Points bei Amazon optimal zu nutzen?
Wie im oberen Anschnitt bereits erwähnt, sollte die bloße Wiederholung von Amazon-Keywords vermieden werden. Es ist sinnvoller den Platz für ergänzende Schlüsselwörter oder Synonyme zu verwenden. Dafür ist eine umfangreiche Recherche extrem wichtig. Zudem sollte hinterfragt werden, welche Zielgruppe sich für das Produkt entscheidet. Auch dieser Punkt ist wichtig, um die richtigen Keywords herauszubekommen.
In addition to the arrangement of keywords, readability should not be neglected. For Amazon, as for Google, the click rate and the length of the customer’s stay are just as important. The mere listing of keywords will not lead to a satisfactory user experience. With the help of bullet points, potential customers should be convinced briefly, concisely and informatively of the special product features.