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Amazon- und E-Commerce-Blog von intomarkets
Als spezialisierte Amazon-Agentur sind wir immer am Puls der Zeit, wenn es um die Themen Amazon Marketplace und E-Commerce im Allgemeinen geht. In regelmäßigen Abständen veröffentlichen wir in unserem Blog aktuelle Beiträge und informieren unsere Kunden wie auch Besucher über wichtige Branchen-News.

Amazon HOTZONE 2020 for Sellers and Vendors: Prime Day, Black Friday and Christmas Shopping

Tips for Sellers and Vendors in 2020 – what a salesperson should pay attention to As every year the last two quarters are the most important ones for almost every seller and vendor. Especially the 4th quarter, including October, November, and December, is the decisive period of the total amount of sales. In 2020, these [...]


Amazon Competitor Analysis

Targeted Analysis: Who Are Really My Competitors on Amazon? This question may sound trivial for most brands and manufacturers because one knows one's competitors very well since they serve the same market and the same target groups. Sometimes you even know the responsible employees and contact persons of your competitors personally and by name due [...]


Branding on and With Amazon – Is That Possible?

What Is Actually Branding? Whenever a brand is to be established or strengthened in a particular "ecosystem", "branding" is quickly mentioned. In essence, this is always based on the idea that a brand should become better known and thus serve a higher demand. Consequently, where there is a high demand, there is a high chance [...]


Amazon Advertising – 10 Tips for a Better Understanding of PPC Campaigns

Understanding What Amazon PPC Marketing Is and How It Works ACoS, ROAS, CPO... What is the right KPI to measure performance marketing in Amazon Advertising in a meaningful and effective way? Is it just hard sales resulting from the PPC campaigns? What about the impressions? And how do the BSR (bestseller rank), CVR (conversion rate), [...]


Amazon Retargeting For Sellers and Vendors: Boost Your Sales and Visibility

Amazon Retargeting - Next Level Advertising If you look at the full range of options available with Programmatic Advertising at Amazon DSP, retargeting is probably the most cost-effective form of advertising that significantly drive sales of Amazon products. Retargeting ads on and outside of Amazon are, similar to sponsored product ads, located closest to the [...]


Amazon Webinar Transcript on COVID-19 measures

Amazon Webinar Transcript on COVID-19 measures On 03.04.2020, the Amazon Seller Service organised a webinar that focused on the measures around Corona / COVID-19. In addition to already known information about the restrictions of product deliveries to a few categories, further tips and hints were given on how Amazon is reacting to this global crisis [...]


Effects of Corona (COVID-19) on the Amazon marketplace

Recently Amazon announced that the supply of new products (or replenishment of stocks) to the warehouses was going to be limited and only possible for specific categories. The reason behind this was that many retailers due to Corona (COVID-19) have become "recursive hamster buyers", who use or wanted to use the logistics and fulfilment service [...]


Amazon tips and questions about COVID-19 Corona

Amazon COVID-19 FAQ and tips CORONA / COVID-19 has had a massive impact on the Amazon Marketplace, and many sellers have become unsettled. First, because of the categories restrictions for the FBA service, what products are allowed to be sent to Amazon logistics centres? On the other hand, for sellers and vendors, how is Amazon [...]


Amazon Advertising Soon Equal for Vendors and Sellers

Amazon Advertising Will Be Soon Equal for Vendors and Sellers Amazon announced it some time ago, and now it is being implemented: the entire Amazon Advertising Management division is moving from SellerCentral to the Advertising Console. This division means that all advertising functions, ad (groups) regarding click-based advertising (PPC) and also the recently launched sponsored [...]

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