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About Ronny Marx

Ronny beschäftigt sich seit einigen Jahren intensiv mit dem Thema Suchmaschinenoptimierung, ist regelmäßig auf Konferenzen als Speaker unterwegs und bloggt gerne über seine Kernkompetenz SEO.

Effects of Corona (COVID-19) on the Amazon marketplace

Recently Amazon announced that the supply of new products (or replenishment of stocks) to the warehouses was going to be limited and only possible for specific categories. The reason behind this was that many retailers due to Corona (COVID-19) have become "recursive hamster buyers", who use or wanted to use the logistics and fulfilment service [...]


Amazon tips and questions about COVID-19 Corona

Amazon COVID-19 FAQ and tips CORONA / COVID-19 has had a massive impact on the Amazon Marketplace, and many sellers have become unsettled. First, because of the categories restrictions for the FBA service, what products are allowed to be sent to Amazon logistics centres? On the other hand, for sellers and vendors, how is Amazon [...]


Amazon Advertising Soon Equal for Vendors and Sellers

Amazon Advertising Will Be Soon Equal for Vendors and Sellers Amazon announced it some time ago, and now it is being implemented: the entire Amazon Advertising Management division is moving from SellerCentral to the Advertising Console. This division means that all advertising functions, ad (groups) regarding click-based advertising (PPC) and also the recently launched sponsored [...]


Effects of Corona (COVID-19) on the Amazon marketplace

Recently Amazon announced that the supply of new products (or replenishment of stocks) to the warehouses was going to be limited and only possible for specific categories. The reason behind this was that many retailers due to Corona (COVID-19) have become "recursive hamster buyers", who use or wanted to use the logistics and fulfillment service [...]

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